SM-7, 1613
SM-7 Super Market Box 1613 Super Market Box

The Large Super Market joined the Plasticville line in 1953 under the designation of SM-7. In 1958, Bachmann issued the more colorful 1613 box to house this structure. This box is seen less frequently than the more common SM-7.

Super Market Window Insert Factory Front Door

Super Market Door

This clear plastic door is sometimes missing from the super market. Bachmann would use this door other buildings like Bank and the Factory.

Super Market Window Insert
This window insert spans all three of the front windows and is the most common part to be missing on this structure. A replacement insert is available.

Seen to the right is the Super Market Color Variation. Instead of the normal black lettering on the front wall and a brown roof, this variation has RED lettering and a RED roof. These colors are much rarer.

Super Market Color Variation

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