Lionel Electric Trains Identification Guide Sub-Title
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This Identification Guide for Lionel Electric Trains covers the "Post-war Era" only from 1945 until 1969.

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The General Electric 80 Ton Box Cab LIONEL TRAINS 80-TON BOX CAB ELECTRIC No. 520

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Lionel Trains 80-Ton Box Cab Electric No. 520 Variation A

The General Electric 80 Ton Box CabThe Lionel Lines 80-Ton Box Cab Electric No. 520 was almost an exact replica of an engine that was made by General Electric for the Chilean Exploration Company that was designed to be used in their mines.
Produced in 1956 and 1957, this engine featured none of the premium features that are present on the other electric engines that Lionel manufactured. Made from a RED body with WHITE heat-stamped numbers and lettering, it was mounted on a sheet-metal chassis that has one solid and one operating magnetic tabbed coupler. The motor was controlled by a three-position directional unit whose lever is adjustable from the top of the cab. There is no horn or headlight.
The pantograph is hard to find today in undamaged condition due to the fact that it was made from very delicate plastic and is easily removed and lost. The body of this engine was also used on the No. 3535 Security Car. There are two variations:

Variation A: Has a BLACK pantograph.
Variation B: Has a COPPER pantograph.
This engine was issued in set No. 1542 in 1956 and was offered for separate sale in 1957. What is odd is that no box has ever been found for this engine. So how was it shipped to Lionel dealers in 1957? One wonders if it was really available in 1957.

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