SM-6 Super Market Box

There was only one box that was made for this market. On it, Bachmann would encourage the purchaser to cut out other window inserts that were illustrated on this box that could be installed in the market’s windows. This has resulted in a number of boxes that have been cut up.

The back of the SM-6 Box encouraged the owner to cut out the inserts
The Plasticville Small Super Market

Collectors are unsure if this item was released in 1949, but it was certainly available by the time the 1950 Holiday Season rolled around, and the small Super Market is one of the earliest Plasticville structures. It was contained in some of the early Master Units and was not produced after 1952.

Early Left Window InsertEarly Right Window Insert

Window Inserts
There are two types of inserts. The early version is shown to the left, and the later issues had the inserts that are illustrated to the right. There are replacements made.

Late Left Window InsertLate Right Window Insert
Small Super Market Parts Illustrated

The Parts Needed to complete this structure are:

1. Front Wall (shown with late inserts)
2. Rear Wall
3. Roof
4. Left Side Wall
5. Right Side Wall

What is usually missing from this kit are the window inserts. This structure is probably unique among all of those that were produced by Bachmann in the fact that it will fit in the box when it is fully assembled.

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