1903 (not manufactured)
45985 (current)
AD-4 Airport Administration Box 45985 Airport Terminal Silver Series Issue Box 45985 Current Issue Box

First produced in 1954, the Airport Administration (also referred to as "Terminal") came in only the one-piece illustrated box until the current issue appeared. This building has many delicate parts that are often missing or broken, making this kit one of the hardest to obtain in unbroken condition. Most of these parts are not available as reproductions and we’ve listed these below.

Airport Administration

Aircraft Boarding Lights
There are two of these "glow-in-the-dark" lights that are located on the runway side of this structure. In the illustration their location is circled in RED with the arrows pointing to them. These lights are similar to what Bachmann used on many other structures. Often these lights are missing. Reproductions are available.

Airport Administration Lights
Airport Administration Roof Ladder

Roof Ladder
This part is often missing from the top of this building. It has not been reproduced.
AD-4 Roof RailingsRoof Railings
These side railings that hold the roof ladder into position at the top of this structure. They are often found missing or broken. No replacement parts have been made.

AD-4 Anometer

Weather Vane & Anometer
This is usually the first part that is either broken or missing from this unique Plasticville structure. This part is not available, and supply is limited by those that are found in existing kits.

AD-4 Front Door Canopy

Front Door Canopy
This canopy is often found with one or both of the locating pins missing. These pins are indicated by the arrows.

LCCA Color Variation
Issued in 2000 by The Lionel Collectors Club of America, there were only 996 of these Terminals that were produced in the classic Lionel colors of DARK BLUE and ORANGE.
Two 1/4" x 2-3/4" stickers are included that say LCCA MUNICIPAL TERMINAL. This terminal came in a Silver Series box that is shown to the right and below.

Silver Series Box Type 2
45985 Box End
45985 Silver Series Box Side
45985 LCCA Airport Terminal
45985 Airport Terminal Silver Series Issue Box 45985 Airport Terminal Current Issue Box

Current Issue Airport Terminal
The current issue of the Airport Terminal has a GRAY roof and trim that distinguishes it from the older issues. This color has never been used on this piece before. Click on the thumbnail image to the right to see a larger view.

45985 Airport Terminal Current Issue

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